Anyone who knows me, knows I absolutely love cheese. The perfect cheeseboard is going to include a selection of different textures of cheese, made from a variety of different sources of milk, either locally-made, or imported from all over the world.
One of my favorites to include on a cheeseboard is Piave Vecchio.
Picture by Lattebusche SCA
Country of origin: Italy
Region: Belluno province of Veneto
Town: Dolomites
Type: Semi-hard, characteristics of butter and nuts, hint of caramel, savory
Made from: Cow's milk
Manufacturer: Lattebusche SCA
Texture: firm, flaky, grainy, dense, no holes
Maturity: aged over 180 days
Calories: 422
Fat: 35g
Protein: 26g
Calcium: 850mg
Wine pairing: Sancerre, Malbec, Beaujelais, Cabernet Sauvignon, Zinfandel